In hard economic times like these, it can be tempting to turn to alcohol or even drugs to try to calm your worries, making access to addiction treatment more important than ever.
The US Department of Health and Human Services runs an online substance abuse facility locator to help you find treatment facilities close to you.
The Partnership for a Drug Free America offers an FAQ on treatment, addressing topics like what treatment involves, how to choose a treatment facility, and how to pay for treatment.
A new statewide program also may be able to help. “ACCESS—Family Advocacy for Addiction Treatment” is designed to help Pennsylvanians access drug and alcohol treatment by connecting them with the funding they need to get into treatment.
The nonprofit program, funded through a grant from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, helps those seeking treatment navigate the maze of insurance coverage, county funding, Medicaid, private funding, and Medicare.
For more information, visit the ACCESS website, call (866)-709-0590, or email